Firmware builder


For vendor Hiveeyes, there’s a requirement for automating builds of Arduino projects using a flexible and powerful build system. This infrastructure pulls code sketches including dependencies from the Hiveeyes Arduino repository, replaces user-defined variables in the main sketch as well as the Makefile and delivers customized firmwares based on an universal code base.

The main use case for this is to enable everyone to build her own firmwares without installing any toolchain at all. The most prominent example for customizing user-defined variables would be the Hiveeyes WAN device address in form of the triple (HE_USER, HE_SITE, HE_HIVE) or the access point configuration parameters for setting up a GPRS device for communication in form of the quadruple (GPRSBEE_AP_NAME, GPRSBEE_AP_AUTH, GPRSBEE_AP_USER and GPRSBEE_AP_PASS).

For getting an idea about the variable replacements with an example sketch suitable for automatic building using the variables described above, please have a look at node-pipa.ino, line 60 ff.

See Open Hive GSM and WiFi sensor nodes about how this is used in production.


Setup prerequisites:

aptitude install arduino-core

Configure the firmware builder application similar to the Hiveeyes example blueprint:

 1; ------------------------------------------
 2; Name:     Firmware builder
 3; Date:     June 2016
 4; About:    Flexible and powerful build system for delivering customized firmwares.
 5; Channel:  Transport: HTTP; Format: application/octet-stream, text/plain
 6; See also:
 7; ------------------------------------------
 8; Description:
10;         - Listen to HTTP POST requests
11;         - Read user-defined variables from the HTTP request body and url segments
12;         - Acquire source code from configured git repository
13;         - Apply user-defined variables to code base
14;         - Run build and respond with firmware in hex or
15;           full output of build process in case of errors
17; Manual:   Please specify the source parameter in uri format.
19; ------------------------------------------
22enable          = false
24type            = application
25application     = kotori.firmware.service:boot
27realm           = mqttkit-1
28source          = http:/api/{ADDR_REALM:mqttkit-1}/{ADDR_NETWORK:.*}/{ADDR_GATEWAY:.*}/{ADDR_NODE:.*}/{slot:firmware}.{suffix} [POST]
29repository      =
30patch_files     = *.ino, *.pde, *.cpp, *.h, Makefile*
32# TODO: Send notification via MQTT
33#notify          = mqtt:/mqttkit-1/{address}/firmware
35# Espressif SDK and Arduino Core for ESP8266::
37#   git clone /opt/esp8266-arduino
38#   cd /opt/esp8266-arduino/tools
39#   ./
41esp_root        = /opt/esp8266-arduino


Just send a HTTP POST request to the ..../firmware.hex endpoint using the HTTP client of your choice. Pass the user-defined variables in JSON or x-www-form-urlencoded format in the request body.

Setup HTTP client:

# Debian-based systems
aptitude install httpie

# Mac OSX
sudo port install httpie

Acquire firmware:

http --timeout=120 --download POST \
    http://localhost:24642/api/hiveeyes/testdrive/area-42/node-1/firmware.hex \
    ref=master path=node-gprs-any \ GPRSBEE_AP_PASS=123

This should deliver a hex file ready for programming:

Downloading to ",GPRSBEE_AP_PASS=123,HE_HIVE=node-1,HE_SITE=area-42,HE_USER=testdrive,"
Done. 53.57 kB in 0.00064s (81.48 MB/s)

Given, the filename is huge, but it includes each and every parameter to distinguish different build artifacts from each other.


  • There’s also an endpoint with suffix firmware.elf which can be used to obtain a firmware binary in ELF format.

  • When running Kotori on your workstation, you might want to use as designated Makefile.



The speed of (re)builds depends mainly on the time required to clone, fetch or update from the remote repository.

Example: It might take about two minutes to clone including updating all git submodules. However, when disabling the git submodule update process by using update_submodules=false, it can come down to a few seconds.

It is totally okay to run with update_submodules=false when you are sure the git submodules haven’t been updated. This is usually not very often.