The configuration file#

The configuration file is either /etc/kotori/kotori.ini or at any other location you want to put the configuration at. A blueprint is:

; ##########################################
;           Kotori configuration
; ##########################################
include     = /etc/kotori/conf.d/*.ini, /etc/kotori/conf.d/*/*.ini,
              /etc/kotori/apps-enabled/*.ini, /etc/kotori/apps-enabled/*/*.ini

; ==========================================
;             General settings
; ==========================================

; http server
http_listen = localhost
http_port   = 24642

; mqtt bus adapter
host        = localhost
#port        = 1883
#username    = kotori
#password    = kotori

; wamp bus adapter
uri         = ws://

; storage adapters
host        = localhost
#port        = 8086
username    = root
password    = root
pool_size   = 20

uri = mongodb://localhost:27017/

; user interfaces
host        = localhost
#port        = 3000
username    = admin
password    = admin

#; web configuration gui
#http_port  = 36000

; ==========================================
;       Application and vendor settings
; ==========================================
; Please activate the appropriate application- and vendor configurations
; by symlinking .ini files from etc/apps-available to etc/apps-enabled.


Please followup with the configuration of the MQTTKit application.